Climate Neutral Now

The Climate Neutral Now Initiative is one of several initiatives launched by the UNFCCC secretariat to increase climate action by engaging non-Party stakeholders (sub-national governments, companies, organizations, individuals). It was launched in 2015 based on a mandate to promote the voluntary use of carbon market mechanisms recognized under the Convention.

It has evolved to become a much wider tool for awareness-raising, capacity building, partnership development, promoting and facilitating the estimation of carbon footprints, the reduction of those footprints, and voluntary compensation (offsetting). 

The Climate Neutral Now Initiative encourages and supports organizations and other interested stakeholders to act now in order to achieve a climate neutral world by 2050 as enshrined in the Paris Agreement.  

Endless Energy Group Pty Ltd are delighted to be accepted as a participant in the Climate Neutral Now Initiative. 
There are many benefits in becoming a participant of the Climate Neutral Now Initiative. 
Here is the United Nations Climate Change page for more information *** https://unfccc.int/climate-neutral-now